What creates a Network? If a network has nodes, then a network can be defined as a collection of nodes and networks. And if the relationship between two nodes is a connection, then a network just means a collection of connections.

Connections = Network

Your network is the collection of all your relationships. In technical terms, each relationship is a connection (with someone else) between two nodes (Identity). and all such pairs of relationships together describe the complete network.


The primary act of introducing someone into the network, aka creating a connection between an existing node in a network and a new member of the network, is what creates and grows a network from the first node onwards.

The first network is without nodes, and the first node creates the network.

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When a member wants to connect with another member they are not directly connected with, a common node makes the effort of creating a new connection between the two members.

This act of interconnecting is also primary along with adding entirely new members to the network.
