Technically speaking, unfilled inventory is no different than premium inventory. When an advertiser wants to guarantee placement, they purchase ads upfront and we call this premium. When the same ad slots go unfilled due to lack of demand or due to a surge in traffic, the same inventory becomes remnant.

Ad Units and Ad Networks

Most ad networks work with remnant inventory, and most strategies that focus on monetizing unfilled ad slots focus on some type of action unit, such as CPA, so that the publisher may get paid out for a download or a sign up or any other action supported by the ad unit.

With CPO (Cost Per Order) units, the publisher is able to earn out a generous percentage of the actual sale value whenever the ad unit drives a conversion. These payouts can be 10% to 50% and higher of the sale value, which makes them very profitable.

CPO Ad Units can be loaded up into the standard ad formats and can be sent across all existing ad networks using the same plumbing as existing advertising.


Regenerative Ecosystems

Once a Remnant Commerce loop has been established, a regenerative economy takes hold. As unfilled inventory lights up with coseller deals powered through Cost Per Order (CPO) Ad Units, more and more advertisers begin to pay for performance marketing, that is to say, advertisers get paid a commission on the actual sales.


This is how large Internet platforms create dominance in digital markets, and Remnant Commerce brings this power to publishers and markers across the Internet.